
1975 Cessna 182P

About the Plane

N1228M is definitely the adventure vehicle of the club, with frequent flights to the more remote airfields in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. In fact, 28M currently isn’t wearing it’s wheel pants in order to accommodate trips to gravel, dirt, and grass runways. With 230 horsepower and a useful load of 1221 lbs, it has the ability to haul a significant amount of people and gear, all while burning about 13 gallons per hour at typical cruise power settings. Already a very capable IFR platform, the addition of the GFC-500 autopilot provides significant capabilities aiding safety and reducing pilot workload, including Smart Glide and ESP, providing protection from unintended unusual attitudes and unsafe airspeeds. A very stable and capable aircraft with a very easy transition for those with familiarity flying 172’s.


Dual Garmin G5 (Attitude and HSI)

Garmin GMA-350c Audio Panel w/ Bluetooth

Garmin GFC-500 2-Axis Autopilot

Garmin 430W NAV1/COM1 and Navigator

Garmin GNC-255a NAV2/COM2 Radio

BendixKing KT-74 ADS-B Out (Stratus 3 for ADS-B In)

JPI EDM-730 Engine Monitor